Welcome to Chirco.com’s Blog!
If you were wondering why an air-cooled VW parts warehouse is doing a Blog, I would have to say that we really enjoy what we do and the people we get to meet. There is something about air-cooled VW folks? Most of you know we are located in Tucson Arizona and that we have a very long hot summer, and all day long we have customers who drive their cars to our store with out air-conditioning and engines that don’t have radiators. They come in with a big smile on their faces and wipe a little sweat off their brow and they are always happy. I can only imagine working at a GM, Ford dealership and listen to their clientele with the whole customer base that has no A.C. It would be crazy!!!!!
So once we get past the small difficulties of running a small business and the 6 O’clock bell rings and the money is all counted and we switch on the parking lot lights, we can say to our selves, I helped a lot of nice folks today.